Monday, 29 October 2012

B12, B6, Folic acid combo for heart?

For short... doesn't do you much good.

Let's take a look at the real science behind why not...

Long ago... people observed that in patients with high homocysteine level, they have increased risk of heart diseases, depression and death. One effective way to decrease homocysteine is to take B12-B6-Folate combination.

in 2002 - a research called "Swiss Heart Study" showed great benefit in taking B12-B6-Folate. They showed this combination actually helped heart health. HOWEVER...

in 2006, NORVIT showed increased heart diseases by taking B12-B6-Folate (however, not statistically significant... meaning this increase can be due to chances).

in 2006 again, HOPE 2 study showed absolutely no differences between taking B12-B6-Folate and the placebo (sugar pill).

In 2008, WENBIT study.... there is again... no difference between taking B12-B6-Folate and placebo.

also in 2008, WAFACS study..... absolutely no difference

in 2009, Cochrane review summarized all the data and agreed that B12-B6-Folate provides no significant benefit.

Funny thing this year... in 2009, NOVIT and WENBIT came together and took a look at the data again... they found out... Folic acid actually INCREASED CANCER, cancer death and death-in-general.

However... DON'T worry yet.... in 2010, SEARCH study didn't find that increase in cancer. They found no difference between taking B12-B6-Folate with placebo... (no benefit, no harm)

In 2010 again... VITATOPS study found no difference either...

So.... Overall.... B12-B6-Folate for heart health is not recommended at this stage. There are evidence suggesting no benefit for this combination in heart health. 

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