Monday, 25 November 2013

早晨血压上扬, 建议高血压药服用时间

人的血压在早上会有~2小时的上扬。 作为一个正常的生理现象,当人早上起床时,血压会上扬来给大脑和全身供血,以及准备一天的活动。 同理可证,大多数的心脏病发作和中风都在早晨发生。 

药剂师建议- 如果您吃高血压的药品,把服药时间定位晚上。这样,不用改变剂量,就可以保证早上的药效可以足够保护您。

Thursday, 21 November 2013

"Heart Burn" or reflux vs Heart Pain 胃酸上扬 对比 心绞痛


  • 发作: 一般为饭后,身体弯曲(ex.饱餐一顿后立刻坐着办公)
  • 痛感: 火烧,大面积,胸前,食管
  • 疼痛时间 - 不等。几分钟到几小时
  • 其他症状: 口中有酸味。肌肉力度,呼吸应该均和平常一样。
  • 治疗:服用antacids (ex. Gaviscon, Tums, Diovol, Milk of Magnesia)。 如经常出现,与医师药剂师讨论强化治疗和用药。


  • 发作: 可以是任何时间(很多人在坐着或睡觉时候会突然发作);一般情况下为运动后,饭后,心情紧张后,忽然着凉等。
  • 痛感: 胸口痛,时常有压迫,胸口紧, 挤压,“绞”,肿胀,重压,火烧等等。 痛感因人而异,甚至一个人2次心绞痛都可能感觉不一样。痛感做什么都无太大的改变。(无论你是呼吸,咳嗽或者改变身体姿势)
  • 疼痛时间 - 一般只有几分钟(1-5分钟),很少很少超过20分钟。如果长时间疼痛,一般会伴有如下的“其他症状”。而且长时间心绞痛是一个很不好的前兆。
  • 其他症状:因人而异 - 上身其他部位(脖子,下颚,肩膀,上臂,后背)不舒服; 呼吸紧张(呼吸供氧下降很大一部分是心脏功能下降导致); 虚汗; 呕吐和晕眩; 严重的情况会血压下降。
  • 治疗:需和医师药剂师讨论。舌下用的Nitroglycerin (硝酸甘油)一般是救急用品。硝酸甘油一般可以在1分钟内缓解疼痛。如果您第一次心绞痛,或者心绞痛严重,请立刻叫救护车。如果5分钟内疼痛没有缓解,可以服用第二剂硝酸甘油。(硝酸甘油需坐下,或躺下时服用;如果服用者在过去的24小时内服用过伟哥等治疗勃起功能障碍药物,不得服用nitroglycerin。会导致血压剧降!必须有急救人员在场方可服用nitroglycerin)

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

高血压多种药物; treating high blood pressure with multiple medications


Sunday, 18 August 2013

Vitamin E as supplements NOT recommended routinely 减少维他命E的服用

Quite a number of patients are visiting the pharmacy for vitamin E supplements. I personally recommend against stand-along supplementation of vitamin E. Reasons are below,

vitamin E is an antioxidant that was marketed towards general health and boosting immune function many years ago. The marketing was based on the theory that antioxidants decrease free radicals in the body thus preventing cellular damage. Evidence did not exist in full strength then on the safety of supplementation. Multiple studies looking at such concern was published around 2004-2005, suggesting that supplementing with vitamin E can possibly cause HARM with NO BENEFIT in cardiovascular protection. It is suggested that vitamin E supplementation if necessay must be kept under 400IU daily and an intake of 400IU or greater has been shown to increase risk of heart failure minimally in high risk patients and increase all-cause-mortality with dose >400IU/day.

In addition, vitamin E has been noted to increase bleeding tendency in patients taking NSAIDs, Warfarin, ASA or other blood thinning products. It is suggested to limit supplementation to 200IU if necessary or discontinue supplementation if vitamin E is not necessary.

Vitamin E:
sources: nuts, seeds, vegetable oils
daily requirement ~22.4IU from natural sources daily for general population (value may vary with references)
Usual commercially available products, 200IU and 400IU from natural or synthetic sources

Saturday, 3 August 2013

虫咬,野外植物过敏现象 - bug bites and plant contact allergy


1. 用水和肥皂洗净
2. 可以考虑用上敷药品 - Astringents, Oatmeal baths (Aveeno), Calamine Lotion,此类产品可以使皮肤舒服一些,止痒,晾干。
3. OTC非处方 hydrocortisone 也可以使用,但效果并没有处方类药品理想。如果情况不严重,不需要用hydrocortisone, 情况严重的话,建议见医生开处方类上敷皮质类固醇。
4. 口服过敏药效果未必理想,应为痒的感觉不完全是由于histamine release. 口服过敏药效果平平
5. 上敷过敏药,麻醉药(止痛药)以及抗生素也不建议,应为会刺激皮肤。



These has been a lot of talk about treating hypoglycemia/low blood sugar,

Remain calm, Suggested treatment include - 15g of simple sugar (glucose or table sugar, etc), use 20g of simple sugar to correct severe hypoglycemia. This is about 3-4 glucose tablets, 5-6 hard candy and 120mL of REGULAR soda.

Suggest retesting 15min after a hypoglycemia episode,

and suggest a small meal after blood sugar has been corrected.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

treatment of diarrhea - children

Always rehydrate.
Rehydration solutions are available and if diarrhea is not severe, rehydrate as needed. DO NOT over rehydrate with plain WATER. This may cause eletrolyte imbalance which can be dangerous as well.

Rehydration solution calculation (with rehydration solution)
Home-made rehydration solution - 1 teaspoon (5mL) of salt AND 8 teaspoon of sugar (40mL) in 1 litter of water. DO NOT use pop or certain juice, due to large amount of sugar. 

for mild-moderate dehydration,
50mL/kg over the first 4 hours (NOT ALL TOGETHER in one dose) 
moderate-severe dehydration, (must seek medical attention)
100mL/kg over the first 4 hours

rehydration should continue beyond 4 hours if needed. 

Plain water is harder to absorb than rehydration solution in case of diarrhea and plain water has no eletrolytes to replenish the loss.


In case of suspected infectious causes - ex. unsanitized food, house hold, school, work place outbreak. Some drug therapy may not be used.

DO NOT use,
bismuth subsalicylate - Pepto Bismo - contains salicylate, not recommended in children. In addition, efficacy data is not firmly established.

Loperamide, Imodium - not approved to be used in children <2. Must consult physician <12. Risk of mental side effects with Imodium. 

Psyllium, metamucil - can be used with physician's guidance. Do not use products with laxative. 

Attapulgite - not recommended. very weak efficacy data. 

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

not suggesting adding niacin to statins?

Recent meta-analysis this January, 2013 suggests benefit of adding niacin to existing therapy to further alter lipid levels looking at current data available (11 trials, n=~10000).

The AIM-HIGH (n=3500, established CV disease) showed no benefit for hard end points (ex. first event of the composite of death from coronary heart disease, nonfatal myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, hospitalization for an acute coronary syndrome, or symptom-driven coronary or cerebral revascularization.)

Lavigne PM, Karas RH.The current state of niacin in cardiovascular disease prevention: a systematic review and meta-regression. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2013 Jan 29;61(4):440-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2012.10.030. Epub 2012 Dec 19. Available from:

The AIM-HIGH Investigators. Niacin in Patients with Low HDL Cholesterol Levels Receiving Intensive Statin Therapy. N Engl J Med 2011; 365:2255-2267. Available from:

Saturday, 2 February 2013

an interesting article on myth about weight losing

Heard about this all over the media - sex only burns 21 Cal (or kcal) on average?
The original paper looks into different myths regarding weight losing. Part of this article touches on the subject of sexercise. It calculated the amount of energy needed for sex using the average energy expendature per hour times the average length of sex (only 6 minutes! - Bohlen JGHeld JPSanderson MOPatterson RP. Heart rate, rate-pressure product, and oxygen uptake during four sexual activities. Arch Intern Med 1984;144:1745-1748) This gives the shocking number 21 Cal per sexual activity!

We might as well spend 20 minutes watching TV, we burn the same amount of energy...

Original source -
published on new england journal of medicine.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Grapefruit & Drugs

It takes as little as 1 grapefruit or 1 cup of grapefruit juice to interact SIGNIFICANTLY with conventional drugs. Spacing apart drugs from eating grapefruit does NOT help the problem in any way. Grapefruit has the ability to inhibit enzyme (CYP3A4) in the gut that is responsible for some of the breakdown of certain drugs. Drugs are designed to take this effect into account. By eating grapefruit juice, you will have MORE (or less depending on which drug) drug in your system causing toxic effects. This effect can last 2-3 days due to permanent inhibition and time delay for production of new enzymes. Always tell your health care professional, esp pharmacist, that you are a grapefruit consumer!

more serious adverse reactions linked to energy drinks

Several new case reports of adverse reactions to energy drinks have been documented including 18 fatalities possibly linked to energy drink consumption. Caffeine content seems to be the cause. Mind the caffeine content and per serving size. (some brand contain multiple small servings per bottle). Stay within the daily limits.